新增新功能和特色到您的 Bitrix24 帳戶。從市集安裝現成的應用程式。
How does this application work?
When installed we generate a custom support e-mail address, just for you. This email address is used to collect help requests from your clients. Anybody can email to this email address to start a ticket. The premium version has an option to lim it this use to the approved email addresses or to ignore certain emails (spam). This customer support application will check the inbox and process each email and start a new task. An existing comment on a ticket will be added on the existing task. Comments on a task, made by your staff, will be sent to the client via email as ticket updates. An upd ate sent via this module has options for your client to set the task priority, to reply to the ticket, to close the ticket, or to request an overview of all open tickets.
The customer support application generates tasks in a workgroup preset by you. In case the client’s email address already exist in your Bitrix24 CRM the ticket is connected to the CRM Contact. We also automatically se t the responsible user for that CRM Contact as the responsible user for that support request. All support requests of the same company are connected to a CRM Company, based on the email domain.
You can use the personal support email address we generate for you or you can connect your own email address.
If you need help with the setup, we have a free built-in instant chat support for all your questions.
版本 3
We generate a custom support email address for you. The helpdesk module now works directly after installation.
版本 2
We now offer phone support tickets, so you staff can add tickets in behalf of your clients. Sel ect or add new client fr om CRM, select the company, describe the problem & select priority. When saved, the ticket is generated and your client stays up to date via email.
版本 1
A complete email support application that turns your Bitrix24 into a full support ticket system
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